Unconditional belief in humankind is our vision.
Geir is training on horseback once a week. Balance training is a smart thing to do when you are born deafblind.
Signo offers nation-wide services by seven different units. We provides services to 700 deaf and 190 deafblind persons.
The core value is to understand and to be understood. Communicating includes doing things together. And we take that seriously.
The kinds of services offered vary greatly and they are as different as the people that take advantage of them.
Signo is located in Oslo, Andebu and Sandefjord, Bergen and Trondheim.
Signo has great experience of and knowledge about the challenges deaf and deaf-blind people face. In Signo, we are concerned with understanding, tolerating and also supporting people’s differences. Some seek an offer of service for a shorter period of time, while others need comprehensive offers of serviced housing.
Signo is an independent freehold diaconal foundation within the Church of Norway. Signo is a non- governmental, non-profit foundation.
He or she is responsible for implementing the decisions of the main board as well as initiating new activities and projects, coordinating activities and being visible and available to the public.
Have their own boards. Three of these units are stock companies. Financial support is based on agreements with the public authorities.
Signo is Norway’s largest work place for deaf people who are employed in all kinds of job positions.
To us the impact of the Latin word “Signo” is “I’m signing”. We use sign language and various alternative and supplementary communication.
Signo is a participant in international networks and development assistance.